see the size differences between these two animals!

a giant rabbit!

i guess this is the smallest monkey in the world! its adorable!
credits to amazingpictures.
from a butterfly to the 'butterfliers'...
a giant rabbit!
i guess this is the smallest monkey in the world! its adorable!
credits to amazingpictures.
vice foto..and
Best2.Byk lg bende yg kite x tau rupenye.
Tapi cmne nk tau pic tu fake ke x ??
monyet tu mcm cicak
makan arnab
besar gila rabbit!!
:P gambar2 lagi
suka la blog ni.. nape cik butterfly tak update?
the monkey is super duperly cute. tapi seious geli le kalu nak pegang.
saya teperanjat dan kagum...macam muka bean.
is the monkey still alive until present?? wanna hold that rabbit!!Its huge!!hahhaa..I like ur blog>.<
biar benar?!
cm x caya je
geli oo tngok tu monkey..
is that rabbit real?? OMG
cam fake je gambo 2
HOH...macam anak cicak.. =}
pic yg agak menarik...
so cute.. cik nyet tu saiz mcm cicak jer..
amazing animals..
dwarf monkey?..emm so cute
dalam dunia,
tiada yang mustahil..
first time tgk monyet camtu.
cutenya monyet tu..
Salam.. rabbit tu makan ayam tu, tu yng gemuk macam tu. :) senang2 singgah blog kita pula. :)
best tengok itu monyet
rabit tu kalu aku jumpa....mau ingat nye kambing biri²...muwakakaka
mcm cicak je kalo x tgk btol2
kuasa Tuhan....
kuasa Tuhan....
best la blog kamu.. huhuhusuke gambar2 nye..
superb picture... i like ur blog
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